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7 Innovative Ideas for Your Content Marketing

June 27, 2014 |

With any business, creativity (and possibly your budget) plays a large role in the content marketing you are able to achieve. There are multiple ways to expand your reach to consumers, and below are the 7 innovative ideas to improve your content marketing.

Content Writing Services 1. Bring in 3 fresh faces

We are not suggesting that you go out of your way and hire 3 new workers for your company or your marketing team. When you have your weekly (or daily) marketing meetings, bring 3 new faces into these meetings.

Let these 3 people be employees of the company already, and try to make sure that these 3 people are not all from the same clique, or similar in age. You want these 3 people to be a bit outspoken so that they can toss some ideas around as well.

Mainly what you are aiming for here is to get a different perspective, multiple different perspectives really. If you work in the same group of 3-5 people for years, eventually these team members just begin to follow the ideas of the “leader.” Bring in some new blood and get some new ideas tossed around. At the very least you have 3 new minds to analyze the project.

2. Create a new, unexpected piece of content and post it!

Let’s say your business is on cats. Anything and everything about cats. All-day, every day you post about cats. I am assuming by now you have a pretty good idea of where you stand in the market. But why not try posting something unexpected.

Try doing a piece of content on a different animal, maybe just do it on a random current event. Try a new style of writing, really just experiment with this. Sometimes people get stuck in a rut when dealing with the same topic every day. Change it up and just see what happens!

3. Find a local artist and feature them in your next piece

While sticking on the cat theme, a creative idea you may want to look into is featuring a local artist. Find this local artist through a museum nearby, or even just by going through a touristy area in your town.

Have this artist do a single piece on your merchandise (cats) and post it with a full interview of the artist. This allows your customers (and new visitors) a chance to see a different side of your business, while also promoting an artist who could surely use any publicity they can get.

4. Slideshare

Slideshare is a unique tool that should be used! Slideshare is loved by Google and ranks many of their posts very well. Assign an employee to learn how exactly to maximize the reach of this program, and it will in turn benefit your entire company.

5. Create a list of the top 50 questions asked by customers

Create a list of questions, concerns, etc from your customers. You could also allow your sales associates to chime in here as they usually spend the most time with customers face to face.

By getting this list together, you have many options to choose from. You could create a piece of content on each question to better inform the public (or your sales associates). You are being proactive and tackling problems ahead of time, before these issues may have a chance to really get out of hand.

6. Determine your most important customers

Look through your customers, and define your most valuable audience to focus in on. Once you have these one or two groups to focus on, think about creating a printed ad for these customers.

Have this printed ad advertising directly to this group of consumers. There are many different types of printing options, but I always have my employees do 24-hour printing. With 24-hour printing services, the idea is on paper and you are moving forward with the project that very next day.

No more waiting around for weeks for a design to get decided on, hone in on something specific, and get right to work! The ad can then also feature topical references that really work and catch attention.

7. Less could be more…

This could be the oddest idea of the list to some, but more does not always equal “better.” One recommendation I have is that, instead of trying 50 different marketing campaigns; cut the worst 5 campaigns out. With this extra cash in the budget, double the money in your top 5 producing campaigns and see what happens.

These are just a few ideas to put your content marketing in a better place than it was a few days ago. In the end, make sure to include all team members in these decisions and move forward together!

Leverage Wisitech’s content development services to gain better search engine visibility and improved ROI. We know the importance of content that is engaging and ultimately compels the reader to buy your product. The website content that we develop is well-researched, informative, and presents your product/service offering in a crisp, appealing way integrated with compelling “call to action”.

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