Blogs – The New Social Revolution (Part II)
February 11, 2009 |
Gitanjali Verma
Steps For Writing Successful Blogs
In my last post, I discussed mainly about what a blog is all about, why its become so popular and the types of blogs being written today. In this post, I will attempt to show you how to write successful blogs that can be noticed by the readers as well as search engines.
Most of the basic rules about writing articles are applicable to writing posts for blogs. But, there are some minor differences which make blogs different from typical articles. If one keeps these similarities as well as differences in mind while writing blogs, one can surely come up with some readable and noticeable posts. Here are the 10 principles for writing blogs:
Rule # 1: Stick to a topic
When you create a blog, be it a personal or a corporate one, always try to stick to a general theme or loosely defined area of interest. Suppose your blog is about the game of cricket, then your readers won’t expect you to post the next one on interior designing. A defined theme can definitely create a list of loyal readers. Avoid covering too many topics in just one single post. If you want to say about twenty different things, split it into two to three blog posts. Blog posts need to be short, crisp and to the point. If the topic you want to cover is too broad, segregate it into more specific topics and write several posts.
Rule # 2: Make it rich in information
For creating a positive impression amongst your readers write from the reader’s prospective. Make the posts valuable and worthwhile as readers primarily look for information in a blog. In case your blog is about a specific industry to sector, keep yourself updated with the latest happenings and trends particular to that industry. Informing the reader about a new music album three months after its official release can make the reader question the authenticity of your blog. Hence, before posting anything, be sure to check the facts and figures as your reputation and the value of your blog is at stake.
Rule # 3: Maintain a schedule and stick to it
Readers look forward to your blog posts and thus you need to post on a regular basis. Hence, it is essential to create a schedule and stick to it. If you don’t have the time to write on regular basis, be specific on this point from the beginning itself. Developing a loyal group of readers is not easy but if you are irregular with your posts, you can easily lose any readers you may get. It is true that blogging requires time and effort. Readers do understand that once in a while delay can happen for new write-ups but not always. When readers come across obsolete content, they will move on to find other blogs with fresher and better content. There is a constant stream of new blogs appearing on the net, and competition is cut throat to get noticed.
Rule # 4: Keep things simple
Simplicity can help your blog go a long way. Hence keep the posts simple, clear and easy to understand for your readers. Just write like you’re speaking to your friend or to yourself. Provide the information your readers are looking for in a language that they understand. Try to make what you want to say in your blog in the first 200 words itself. Also keep in mind the golden rule of 5 W’s and H in the firs
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