The future is bright with huge potential for growth for the health and wellness industry. The global health and wellness food market is likely to grow at an incremental value of $281 billion between 2017 and 2022 according to research by marketing firm Technavio. At least 37% of that growth will come from the Americas. The increasing adoption of healthy food products is a key factor in the determination of this trend.
Fuelled by such promising growth prospects, the market is getting cluttered with new entrants and wannabe brands every day. Promoting healthy food and nutrition products has not become easier, especially for new online businesses.

Market Your Food and Nutrition Business
Every firm requires an online address to reach home-entrenched buyers. More and more consumers prefer to shop online. In order to stand out in as sea of similar marketers you need to prove your uniqueness in a manner that appeals to your target consumer.
Optimize Website content for Searchability
Your website must be well-designed to make it very easy for the user to discover exactly how your food will benefit her. A crucial requirement in website design is use of searchable keywords on the readable content on your site pages. These are the phrases that people will put in a search engine like Google to look for sites that sell what you’re selling. For example, if you’re selling olive oil than make sure to put content on your website that optimizes for keywords such as ‘heart-healthy’, ‘helps diabetes’ and ‘fights bad cholesterol’.
Use value laden messaging to create connect with target audience
Value laden messaging is crucial to reach your intended target audience. You need to be keenly interested in both food and its nutritive qualities. If you have research-backed evidence to demonstrate health benefits then you must display that prominently.
Educate yourself for Optimum Website Design
Apart from messaging optimization on your website you also need to put in relevant keywords in HTML Meta tags. These are invisible parts of your page that search-engines will still analyse when determining your page rankings through previously decided algorithms.
Keeping up with the Google algorithm to build and maintain site rankings is tedious process because Google keeps changing it. As a non-technical person you may typically use blogs, articles and marketing calls-to-action to bring customers through the journey between site awareness and sales conversion.
Use social media
Social media platforms are a great way to communicate the message associated with your product. Whether it’s a video on YouTube or a Facebook discussion on nutrition, social media marketing is a great way to spread awareness. Remember though, that earning trust is your first goal. Before you place marketing content, you must prove yourself to be a trusted provider of reliable information and advice before people will actually listen to you and follow you.
Create and distribute engaging content
Health and fitness coaches, dieticians, nutritionists and companies selling health products – all need to educate their customers about the necessity of their products and services. An engaging newsletter sent out at regular intervals to your customers help you increase your reach, brand recall and usefulness in your customer’s mind. If you are not able to create content yourself, there are ready and easy solutions. Customized Nutrition Newsletters is one such effective solution where you can create your own newsletter with ready content, your logo, products and send it to your customers through MailChimp or Constant Contact.
Make sure to use hyperlinks that lead back to your website to increase site traffic. You can also solicit other bloggers and known authorities on particular forms of nutrition to endorse your products. Very often a professional agency’s networking with such authorities helps you gain crucial recognition for a small sum of money.
Paid Google and Amazon services
Your online sales growth depends upon your long term marketing strategy. Using what are called ‘organic’ search optimization methods such as the above you can achieve increased online visibility over time.
A paid service such as Google Adwords, Amazon sponsored ads or third party guest blogging will likely give you benefits in a more professional manner.
Take help from professional web developers and consultants
If you need help with your website design, Wisitech’s dedicated team of website and app developers can help your business gain the added push it needs to break even and thrive. Wisitech has been at the forefront of user experience and ecommerce conversions for the last 20 years. You too can benefit from higher traffic, higher conversions and greater profits.
Wisitech is happy to travel the extra mile as if your project were its own. You are taken care of in the best way possible. Try our web marketing services for your food and nutrition business now!