Make sure your Online Listings are Right and Consistent
August 11, 2014 |
Samuel Joyce
Most of the entrepreneurs, big or small, know the significance of listing their businesses online; unfortunately not many of them give undue attention to updating the information of their businesses online. It is essential to stop wasting your time, money and energy behind insignificant marketing tools that have less ROI, and focus on online listings of your business.
Let’s find the reasons for giving importance to having right and consistent online listings of your business.
1. According to a survey conducted by Burke, 8 out of 10 people are likely to use an online directory for searching a product. Going by this statistics, one cannot deny the paramount importance of an online business directory. It will be logical to have online listings in the prominent directories to have your presence in the market.
2. If you want your business to rank high in local search engine list, then you would have to have a good title for your business that sounds right and remains consistent across the sources. Use the same title for listing in one directory and even in other directories. The users should not be perplexed seeing two different listings for the same business.
3. When we say that your online listings for the business should be right, what it invariably means is, that be very precise with the terms that you use in your business title. The title that you create for online listing should not be vague. The title should justify the nature of your business. You can also add a short description of your business type for better understanding to your users.
4. At the time of listing your business in an online business directory, make sure that they allow you to list your business in multiple categories. By being listed in several categories, your potential customers will get an idea of the nature of your business.
5. Out of the numerous advantages, having right and consistent listings on online business directories will help you in increasing web traffic. Choosing the right term for listing, it would also help in increasing the scope of your webpage being ranked in the first page of Google.
6. Make sure that the name of your business, address and phone numbers are right and stay consistent throughout all the online mediums as they are very important for SEO considerations. Remember you have complete control over your listings, so keep it correct and consistent for better results. Even the minute spelling error in your listing will have a big impact on local search rankings.
7. Be mindful about the format on which you will be displaying the name of your business, address and phone numbers. Make sure that the format is understood by search engines. Avoid using fancy tools such as Flash and alike that search engines do not accept.
So how does one become sure of the listings to be right and consistent? Google your company The most common and easiest way of cross checking your listings is by going to the web pages of online directories and checking your business information on it. Check the title of your business, contact details and other facets of listings. Majority of the online directories will give you the option of adding, editing and deleting data. Always maintain a brief check over your listings regularly!
Outsource If you’re amongst the businesses that understand the importance of listings in online business directories, but do not have the resources to maintain those listings, then outsource it. Come what may, do make sure that your online listings are correct and consistent, and if any changes are to be made, should be made immediately.
Software’s to help you with listings
There are several software’s created in the market to make your life a lot easier for regulating right and consistent listings. It will help you track all citations referring to your business name, address and phone numbers found on other online platforms such as blogs, social media and other websites. Remember to always keep your eyes and ears open for grabbing opportunities conducive towards listings. It is of great importance for businesses to comprehend the opportunities that updated online listings offers to their businesses in the form of gaining trustworthiness in the market and increasing the conversion ratio of their customers.
For more in-depth advice and support, you can contact us at
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