Is your online business down in the doldrums? Are you faced with…
- Sudden disappearance of your website from the search engines?
- Your website penalized by Google for unethical practices?
- Inability to convert visitors into buyers?
- Search engine spiders can’t reach your inside pages?
- Low traffic despite having good PR (PageRank)?
- Lack of geo–targeted traffic? Which means, the audience you are targeting can’t seem to find you?
These are serious lapses that can simply kill your online business and shove all the money you put in to build your web presence, down the drain.
Time for you to look for some urgent pro help. We can show you just what you need to do to catapult your website into the top of the search engine rankings again. Plus, your visitors will actually buy from your site, rather than just dropping in and walking out.
Suddenly your site has disappeared from the top search engine rankings and cannot be found anywhere!.
- Changes in search engine algorithm.
- Spamming techniques used in the SEO process.
- Unethical or black hat techniques used by the SEO firm promoting your site, amongst others.
What We Do
As SEO Consultants we provide detailed report analyzing…
- The exact reason(s) that resulted in banning your site and what you should do to resolve the same.
- List the irrelevant inbound links (if any) to your website and remedies for the same.
- On Page Spamming Techniques used (if any) and how to resolve them.
Lots of people are visiting your website but you hardly get any sales/leads and or request for quotes.
- Usability problems (site too busy, complex navigation structure, too many steps in your shopping cart sign out process etc.)
- Focus on wrong or irrelevant keywords for SEO, e.g. long tail keywords get much better conversions.
What We Do
As search engine marketing experts our report chalks out steps to increase the usability of site and the traffic coming to it. Our report analyzes amongst others:
- User–friendliness of the design and whether it focuses on the USP (unique selling proposition) of the website.
- Source of traffic (search engine(s), referral sites, keywords, geographic location etc.)
- Bounce rates, entry and exit pages, heat maps, click path
(path followed by the visitors before exiting your website). - Presence of proper call to action (both text and buttons) that ensure conversion ″above the fold″.
- Problems with shopping cart and shopping cart abandonment.
Search engines reach the home page but don’t index the rest of the pages.
- Improper coding of the home and inner pages.
- Problems in Robot.txt file.
- Improper usage of Nofollow & Noindex tags.
What We Do
As search engine optimization consultant, we provide a detailed report which:
- Draws out a Navigational Structure Analysis to improve indexing of the home page and inner pages.
- Details the techniques/methods to make the website Crawler/Robot friendly.
Reason for this is very few people are searching for the key words for which SEO has been done.
- Improper and/or hasty key word research.
- The SEO firm felt the high traffic keywords are too competitive hence went for the ″soft″, non-competitive keywords.
What We Do
As internet marketing consultancy services provider, we give a detailed report which:
- Analyzes the keywords through which traffic is coming and conducts a re–research of key words.
- Lists the relevant and the most popular keywords to increase the traffic.
You are getting business/leads/queries not connected to your geographic area of operations.
- Your site is not there in local listings of search engines and niche directories of local service providers but the listings are there generic directories and search engines. Result – the site is promoted in front of global audience rather than the geographically targeted one.
- Your keywords are not location specific, e.g. if you are an Atlanta, Georgia based provider the keywords for which your site comes at the top of the search engine results should be accompanied by the term Atlanta, Georgia and even USA.
What We Do
As internet marketing advisors, we provide a detailed report which:
- Analyzes the listing of your website in different search engines and directories.
- Suggests the niche/geographically focused platforms to get traffic from the desired geographical locations, e.g.: Submission of your business to (This is now-a-days even used through mobile phones in USA for getting relevant information).
Really the cornerstone of getting SEO done for your site. Increase visitors to your site by ranking very high in the results of searches for the most appropriate keywords describing the content of your site.
What We Do
As search engine marketing consultant, we provide a detailed report which:
- Recommends measures you must take to make your site Search Engine friendly (On Page Optimization).
- Lists the ways to get your website listed the top results of major search engines.
- Provides a comprehensive White Hat search engine optimization method for your site.
Why Us
We understand that it isn’t just the ranking that the focus should be on. Getting in the top 10 results of search engines is only half the battle. What a company’s listing says in the search engine results is even more important.
Moreover we ensure that search engine results are looked at with the same creative approach used in all advertising campaigns. If the message doesn’t convince customers to click through to a company’s website, adjustments need to be made until they do.
We at Wisitech specialize in helping to get your business into a stronger position than your competitors and understand how to best use the latest technology to make your business a success.
- Our experienced internet marketing team will help your company meet its specific goals in a relatively short period. Anyone from small local businesses to medium–sized and large corporations can benefit from our consultation services.
- We will suggest ideas and services that may be implemented over both the short–and long–term that will help you create and maintain a successful web marketing campaign.
- We offer a comprehensive review of your e–business. The purpose of the review is to identify key opportunities to increase the success of your venture.
- Our expert consultants will help your existing or new business succeed online.
- We have an excellent track record of over 8 years (since January 1999) helping new and existing ventures maximize the success of their e–commerce and e–marketing activity.
Our endeavor here is to give you the knowledge to execute the process yourself. We want you to control how well you rank.
The knowledge is in your hands!
In case, you want our experienced web marketing team to not only show you the solutions but actually implement them and take your business to the next level, we will be glad to do that!
Find out how?